Engineering Days 2009


3rd - 4th December 2009

Imperial Riding School Vienna, A Renaissance Hotel

Vienna, Austria

ProgramList of exhibitors

Opening lecture

Creative marketing for precast elements, B. Deman

Session 1: Formwork

Complex sandwich-elements, innovative design and production, O. Scala | R. Neubauer

Automated production of insulation for core-insulated double walls, R. Lackner

Higher efficiency by multi-function shuttering robots, K. PanekChances for new products - vertical manufacturing, J. Reymann

Session 2: Innovations in planning

Minimize costs for formwork for facade- and wall panels in carousel plants, W. Ehlert

Visions become reality, G. Wildermuth

RFID part-tracking and logistics up to the construction site, S. MaierPlant concepts for 2-dimensional solid-elements, T. Strach A proposal, which wins the order, W. Maresch

Session 3: Product Innovations

Continuous production in a carousel plant, C. TillUnicon- rapid connectors for the industrial building, F. ProchinerTextile reinforcement substitutes steel, M. SchurigGreenTech – IT-powered, efficient usage of energy in precast plants, R. Neubauer

Session 4: Concrete

Concrete Distribution Systems, H. WeckenmannConcrete pumps and production concepts for the precast industry, B. MärkertMachines for manufacturing of high quality-concrete for precast plants, M. BarthelAutomatic casting of self-compacting concrete (SCC), C. Arbeithuber

Efficient surface treatment of solid-walls, M. Obinger

Session 5: Reinforcement

Management of complex reinforcement fabrication, W. Cieplik

The “Girder-mesh” is a innovative new mesh of reinforcement steel, R. Gramlinger

Perfect mesh-welding and bending, R. BernardinisFibreglass-reinforced plastic reinforcement, A. Decker